Full Placement Vs. Self Placement J-1 Internship Program

After lots of brainstorming, research, and preparation, you are finally ready for your international experience in the United States. It’s been quite the journey already! You’ve carefully reviewed the J-1 visa requirements, picked classes that would boost your credentials, explored the different fields you could train in, and chosen your J-1 visa sponsor. Now it’s time to find the right opportunity at the perfect company in the U.S. – but where to begin?
First, it’s important to get your resume and cover letter ready. Make sure it’s simple and informative (delete that photo – we don’t need it in the U.S.!). A cover letter will help companies get to know you. It’s also a great opportunity to showcase your English skills. If you need advice, reach out to a CICD coordinator who can help!
Now that your documents are in order, you are ready to apply to some amazing internship opportunities. There are two ways you can find an internship:
1. Self Placement: Find an internship on your own!
This is what we call a “Self-Placement.” Successful self-placements often start with an online search. If you are interested in a specific location, search for companies in your field in that geographical area. Check their websites for opportunities. You can reach out to the company’s Human Resources department directly to find out if they would consider hiring an intern, even if they don’t have a specific position listed on their website.
Networking is also a great tool for finding an internship on your own. Ask friends or family if they know professionals in the U.S. who would like to train you. You could also use social media, like LinkedIn or Facebook groups to start a conversation with industry experts who might be open to offering you an internship.
Most importantly, don’t give up! Many CICD participants say they had to apply to tens of companies or more before landing the perfect internship.
While you are reaching out, you may find that potential host companies have questions about the J-1 program. CICD is always happy to set up a time to speak with them and explain. Most companies feel positive about the program after a brief conversation with us! Be sure to give the company contact CICD’s contact information.
2. Full Placement: Let CICD place you with a pre-qualified host company!
This is what we call a “Full-Placement.” CICD Full Placements are pre-screened positions from host companies that are familiar with the J-1 visa program and love hosting international interns! You can find a full list of CICD’s Positions here. Simply find a position that catches your eye, check to see if you meet the qualifications, and apply directly through our website. If you are a good fit, you’ll hear from a CICD coordinator shortly! Be sure to check back often, as new opportunities are always becoming available!
Whichever route you choose, the most important thing is to secure the best opportunity for your continued career development. In fact, it may be a good idea to try both paths! CICD can help you with sponsorship in either case. If you have any questions, be sure to ask us. We are always here to help!
The Center for International Career Development (CICD) is an official U.S. Department of State designated J-1 Visa Sponsor. CICD is authorized to complete the vetting process for your application and issue you the DS-2019 Form and DS-7002 Form (Training Plan) that you need to apply for the J-1 Training/Internship Visa.
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Once you have secured an internship or training position at a U.S. company, please register online to begin your application. If you have not found a program yet, consider a full placement opportunity with CICD.