Three Things We Learned by Throwing a Celebration for Seattle’s Cultural Exchange Community

CICD Staff and J-1 participants from all over the world at the "Year of the DS-2019" Celebration!
Dec 05 2019

On October 16, 2019, the Center for International Career Development (CICD) and our sister organization NorthWest Student Exchange (NWSE), hosted a cultural exchange celebration in honor of “The Year of the DS-2019”.  Named after the iconic DS-2019 form (required to obtain the J-1 visa), this event was a perfect opportunity to celebrate the passion, hard… Continue reading »

Full Placement Vs. Self Placement J-1 Internship Program

CICD Self and Full Placements
Mar 25 2019

After lots of brainstorming, research, and preparation, you are finally ready for your international experience in the United States. It’s been quite the journey already! You’ve carefully reviewed the J-1 visa requirements, picked classes that would boost your credentials, explored the different fields you could train in, and chosen your J-1 visa sponsor. Now it’s… Continue reading »

Money Management in the United States

Money Management in the USA
Mar 13 2019

Going abroad brings many exciting and challenging moments, and managing money can be one of those simple things you forget to plan for! As money customs vary from country to country, CICD has created a quick guide to help you navigate the ins and outs of managing your money while on your J-1 visa program… Continue reading »

Work and Travel Questions Answered: Can I get a Second Job?

J-1 Work and Travel Participant, 2016
Mar 02 2019

In short, yes! Before you can start a new job, you must first let CICD complete its host company review process. CICD has created the easy guide below to help you complete this process quickly and efficiently! The J-1 Work & Travel program allows university students to come to the United States to share their culture and… Continue reading »

Choosing your J-1 Visa Sponsor

CICD as your Visa Sponsor
Dec 19 2018

Students and professionals increasingly rely on internship opportunities to strengthen their resumes and showcase hands-on, professional experience or international work and cultural experience. International candidates seeking experience in the U.S. face the challenging task of finding both an internship opportunity and a visa to support them. For those who qualify, the J-1 Intern/Trainee visa program… Continue reading »

What is Thanksgiving in the USA?

Thanksgiving in the USA
Nov 15 2018

Thanksgiving in the USA is meant to bring family and friends together over a big meal to express gratitude and thanks. Historically, the holiday commemorates the unity of the Pilgrims and the Native Americans, who gathered together in 1621 for a feast symbolizing peace and goodwill between their cultures. This autumnal dinner became a tradition… Continue reading »