
Our Programs

J-1 Internships and Training in the USA

As a CICD-sponsored J-1 Intern or Trainee, participants enjoy building a foundation for their international careers. CICD offers affordable internship and professional training programs that allow participants to gain meaningful insights and understanding of American business practices, culture, and society. Conversely, the J-1 internship and training program allows Americans to learn about their international intern or trainee’s culture, key industry-specific expertise, and home country perspectives.

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J-1 Summer Work and Travel in the USA

CICD’s J-1 Summer Work and Travel program in the United States provides paid working holiday opportunities for participants to work in the USA during their summer vacation as well as travel and experience daily life in America. We intend these work & travel opportunities to positively contribute to participants’ lifelong personal and professional growth.

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Intrax Teacher Exchange Program

The Exchange Teacher Program creates friendships and connections across borders, as well as opportunities to increase the number of cultural exchanges and school partnerships worldwide. Exchange Teachers enhance American and foreign students’ and host communities’ knowledge of each other’s customs and teaching approaches. The BridgeUSA Teacher Exchange program helps program participants sharpen their teaching skills in their respective subject fields.

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